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Hints And Tips On Ways To Save Money On Your Household Bills
The blog posts below will give you some useful hints and tips on ways that you can save money on your household bills. We help you by giving ideas on ways to save on expenses such as your utility bills, prescription costs, motoring expenses, and more!

Navigating the Digital Landline Switchover: Essential Tips for Pensioners
The best digital broadband deals for pensioners/the elderly, ready for the 2027 switch to digital landlines.

SKY TV Price Increase In April 2025, What Can You Do?
Millions of Sky broadband and TV customers will see their bills rise from April – What can you do?

B&Q's Community Re-Use Programme: Local Good Causes Can Claim Free Surplus Products
B&Q offer a community re-use programme, gifting surplus stocks to local community groups/projects. Find out how it works!

Cold Weather: Tips On How To Save Money on Your Energy Costs
As the cold weather kicks in, what can you do to keep your energy bills down, and can you claim a cold weather payment?

TV licence cost will increase in April 2025. Do you actually need a TV licence to watch your TV?
The cost of your TV live to increase in April 2025; do you actually need one to watch your telly?

Winter Has Arrived - Tips On How To Save Money on Your Energy Usage
With the cold weather here and temperatures dropping, learn how you can lower your energy bills while staying warm!

DFS Energy Scheme: Get Paid To Turn Off Your Electrical Items All Year Round!
DFS Energy events are back for 2024, and they'll now run all year round. Find out how these events work and how they'll save you money!

Cosy and budget-friendly heating solutions for winter
Tips to keep yourself warm this winter, without increasing your energy costs

How To Save Money On Your NHS Prescriptions And Over The Counter Medicines
We explore ways to save money on both your over-the-counter and prescription medications

Disney+ Subscribers in the UK Face Price Hike From October 17th 2024
Disney+ subscribers in the UK face a price increase this October. Which packages are affected, and what's the workaround to bypass this?

Five Ways You Can Save On Your Mobile Phone Contract
Spending too much on your mobile phone contract? If so, here are five ways to save money on your phone!

Are You Getting Paid To Recycle Your Household Waste? If Not, Why Not?
Did you know that you can get paid to to do your home recycling, using your normal blue recycling bin?!

Here's What It Costs To Use Your Fan, As Temperatures Rise!
Temperatures are up, so what does using a fan to keep cool this summer cost?

Prepayment Meters - What's Worth Knowing?
How does a prepayment electricity meter work, and how best to use one

How Solar Panels Can Slash Your Energy Bills
Can solar panels slash your energy bills? Find out more about the benefits of solar energy then compare prices at SpotDif for the best deals

Earn Rewards & Freebies Via The Octopus Energy Octoplus App
Octopus Energy customers can grab rewards and freebies with the Octoplus rewards scheme: here's how it works..

How has Specscart revolutionised eyeglasses shopping?
How Specscart has helped revolutionise the UK eyeglass industry as well as its user experience.

Easy Money-Saving Tips For Motorists
Running a car is expensive, but there are ways to ensure you aren't spending more than you need to!

Sustainable Technology: The Benefits Of Having Your Smartphone Repaired Instead Of Replaced
Why you should have your smartphone repaired, rather than replacing it

ZipZero - Pay Your Utility Bills By Scanning Your Till Receipts!
The ZipZero app closed on 21st November 2024 due to a lack of financial backing.

Take Advantage Of the Best Quality Eye Glasses At Discounted Prices!
Grab the best offers on eyeglasses before it’s late!

The Unusual Way Equiwatt Can Save You Money On Your Energy Bills | Equiwatt
Learn how Equiwatt's cutting edge technology can help slash your energy bill and earn you extra income - without any effort on your part!

Stay Ahead of Insurance Renewals With This Fab Free Service - I Saved £70!
Discover a fantastic FREE way to stay on top of your insurance policies and renewals - I saved over £70 in 30 seconds!

One Million Lose Broadband Access As Cost-Of-Living Crisis Bites, But There May be A Way Forward..
1M people lose access to broadband due to the cost of living crisis, but 95% of them could move to a social tariff and save ££'s

How Air Fryers Might Help Reduce Your Energy Costs | Air Fryers
Are air fryers the solution for lowering your cooking & energy costs?

Another Great Reason To Join The Equiwatt Community & Save Money On Your Energy Bill
Reduce your carbon footprint & save money. Join the Equiwatt community for free today & earn £10

You CAN Earn Money By Turning Off Your Appliances TONIGHT! | Equiwatt
You can earn money and save energy with Equiwatt TONIGHT - Sign up NOW to take part and grab an extra £10 worth of points!

These Five Kitchen Tips Could Save You ££'s On Your Energy Bill! | Energy Saving
Using these kitchen tips, could save you ££'s on your energy bill!

Cold Weather Is On The Way, Are You Financially Wrapped Up?
Cold weather is on the way, are you able to claim an additional £150 of energy assistance?

Tips To Reduce Your Energy Bill As A Parent
How to reduce your energy bills as a parent tips

Fancy £150 Off Your Heating Bill, For Five Minutes Work?
Making one, five-minute, change on your boiler could save you £150+ a year!

Liz Is Toast, Will This Affect The Energy Cost Assistance?
Energy Costs Frozen For 2 Years Saving Households £1,000+ Per Year

Energy Supplier Offers 10,000 Free Electric Blankets
Octopus Energy gives away 10,000 electric blankets to help electric bills for the most needy

Scam Alert - Convincing Scam Doing The Rounds - Be Aware!
Be aware of this believable scam going around, it could cost you a small fortune!

Martin Lewis Explains The New Energy Price Cap, And What It Means For You
Martin Lewis has updated his 'Must Know' information regarding the price caps on energy

What Does The New Price Cap Mean For You?
The latest price cap announcement means the average family will now pay £3,549 per year, but might it mean for your bill?

Sickening Energy Price Increase Predictions & Tips To Save Energy
With price increase predictions tipping over the £5k mark, here's some simple, but effective energy saving tips

With The New Energy Cap Prices Looming, What Financial Aid Is Available?
The new energy cap announcement is due soon, so no better time to see what financial aid is available to you, to help you cope.

Halfords Motoring Club - £35 Of Freebies & Our Top Motoring Saving Tips
Halfords Motoring Club Offers Freebies To Motorists With the price of driving costing more due to the increase in fuel prices, the...

The Top Five Energy Hungry Appliances In Your Home!
What appliances are costing you the most to use? It's April the 1st, and although it might seem like a cruel April's Fool joke, your...

I Managed To Haggle My TV & Phone Bills & Saved Over £1,100 In My Lunch Break!
Be polite, be firm and ask for the deal they can't offer... With all the price rises kicking in from the 1st of April, I really needed to...

Top Tip To Find The Cheapest Petrol Locally..
Top Tip To Find The Cheapest Petrol Locally..

Save Energy Costs Tips, After Re'VOLT'ing New Price Increases..
My top tips on ways to make savings after the rise in energy costs..

Reduce Your Energy Bills With These 10 Ideas..
As we all know, the cost of heating your home is pretty horrible at the moment, and we know this is going to get worse as the year...

Council Tax Increase - Can You Reduce Yours?
As Council Tax letters hit the door mat, we ask can you reduce your bill?

£140 Warm Home Discount - Are You Eligible?
Are you eligible for a £140 warm home discount this Winter?

Claim Upto £5,000 For Energy Saving Home Improvements
Claim Upto £5,000 For Energy Saving Home Improvements

Can You Save £280 By Switching Energy providers?
MARTIN Lewis has warned that 11million households are paying over the odds for their energy - and could save £280 by switching deal

Warm Home Discount - Are You Eligible?
Are you eligible to receive a £140 warm home discount?

Look After My Bills - Auto Switch To The Best Deal
Auto switch to the best UK energy deals with Look after my bills, and never have to worry about finding a better deal again
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