If like me you seem to be signed up for every store loyalty card going, you may also be finding that your wallet, or purse, is somewhat bulging at the seams with plastic cards?!
I know mine used to be, and I felt like a blackjack dealer in Vegas, sorting through all my cards, at the till, trying to find the right loyalty card for the right store, knowing the person behind me was getting annoyed, adding even more pressure.... but that's an issue I don't have any more!
I signed up for a free Sto Card account, and that's solved my issue. So what's Sto Card? It's an app for your mobile, that allows you to add all your loyalty cards to it, keeping them all in one place so that when you go to the shop, rather than finding the right card, or the right app for that store, I simply open the app, click my card, and this opens up a scannable barcode that the cashier can scan, to make sure you get your points for your purchase!
It's so simple to use, and a godsend, as it's such a super useful tool to have, and one of my favourite features is that when you enter a store, for which you have a loyalty card registered on the app, you will sent an alert reminding you to scan the loyalty card when you go and pay! It's reminded me several times when I had actually forgotten I had an app for the store, and meant I have missed out on any points!
I started using the app about 4 years ago, but forgot about it when I changed phone, as it hadn't transferred to my new device, so missed out on the convenience of using a single app, but remembered recently and re-installed the app, and haven't looked back since!
In fact, it did me a great service the other day, as when I first started using the app, I registered a Nectar Business card I had at the time, but have since lost/thrown away, and forgotten about. I went into Sainsbury's and the app told me to remember to scan my Nectar Card, and I noticed I had the business card registered to the app as well, so scanned that one to see if it had any credit on it.... £29.74 credit!! I was a tad shocked, but very happy, as that paid for my groceries, and if I hadn't used Sto Card, I would never have remembered about the business card and would be £29.74 worse off, so I'm even more chuffed I've re-discovered the Sto Card!
It's totally free to download and use and is a handy resource as it also shows you offers for certain stores that you can take advantage of, shows you your points balance for certain retailers, (You may have to log into your loyalty card account, via Sto Card to allow this), and also shows your most local store to your location, which is a useful facility if you are out and about somewhere you don't normally go to and need to find a certain store.
All in all, this is a SUPER useful app for keeping all your loyalty cards in one place, making shopping simpler, and keeping
the all-important points, to hand!

You can grab the Sto Card app with the link below, and you will also automatically be entered into a competition to win prizes as well! It's available for both IOS and Android phones.