Ok, so to be upfront here, this isn't free, BUT here's the thing, it's £10, and you will make this £10 back, in savings, potentially in the first week!
So what am I on about?
Ok, so you will most likely have heard of O2 Priority; it's an app for O2 phone customers that reward its phone users with special offers to say thanks for being an O2 customer.
O2 customers get all the benefits from the app at no extra charge, but what sort of benefits do they get?
As well as lots of competitions and giveaways, discounts and special offers on products and services, including some pretty decent deals on holidays, plus free trials, users also get:

A FREE hot or cold drink from Caffe Nero, from 10 am EVERY Monday - Thursday, and bring a reusable cup, and get a free upgrade from a regular drink to a speciality drink, with extras like syrup & extra shots.

2 FREE pints drinks, every Thursday, between 5 pm and 8 pm, at your local O'Neill's, Ember Inns or Sizzling Pubs, with 378 locations around the UK, to choose from.

A FREE breakfast roll from Greggs on Friday or Saturdays until 11 am (One per person per week and 8000 given away each day). You have the option of a meat or vegan variant.

A FREE 2D Odeon cinema ticket every Monday. 10,000 tickets are available from Midday on a Tuesday for booking a movie for the following Monday, which can be viewed at any performance throughout the day.

Priority tickets for concerts & sports events are available earlier via mainstream booking sites.
These offers are likely to save you a pretty penny if you like a drink and a snack and are accessible every week for O2 Priority users. But what if you don't have an O2 account, you miss outright? Nope you don't, so here is your workaround - (You will need an unlocked phone to do this)
1. Grab a FREE sim card from 02. Once they send it to you, you need to pop it into your current phone, register the account with O2 and activate the sim card.
2. Add £10 credit. It will give you a few options for what sort of top-up you want, but unless you are going actually to use it, then don't select a bundle deal; add the £10 as standard credit; otherwise, you will have to top up regularly, and that's not the plan!
3. You can now use your phone number and account to register with O2 Priority, and you will then have access to all the Priority benefits.
4. Your sim will stay active for six months if you don't use it. You need to send one text or make one call using the sim every six months, which will keep the sim card active. If you don't, you will have to top up again, and that's not what we want! Just pop a note in your diary to send a text every six months, so you don't forget.
This initial £10 payment will pay for itself pretty quickly. For example, a cup of tea in Caffe Nero is £1.80 to take away, and that's the cheapest hot drink I could find on the menu. You can have 4 of these free every week with Priority, so that's a £7.20 potential saving every week, just from Caffe Nero, buying the cheapest hot drink, over six months, and based on your six months usage of the sim, that's a £172.80 saving... just on a cup of tea, and that's not even touching the other freebies, already mentioned on this post! Send your text every six months, and this £10 'investment' keeps ongoing, and so do your savings... simple!
If you have a Virgin Media mobile phone, you also have access to Priority, and so if you are possibly looking at taking out a Virgin Mobile account, it's another perk!

Information correct as of 07.01.22