If you're looking to save money, learn about finances, or pick up new money management techniques, reading books by experts can be incredibly beneficial. With so much advice available, it can be overwhelming to find the right book. Make sure the one you choose addresses your specific needs without complicating things unnecessarily.
Here’s a short list of some of the best books on saving money that can help you invest, understand finances better, and build healthier financial habits.

1 Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
I'm sure if you were to conduct a survey on what the best financial book of all time is, it would likely be "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." First published in 1977, this book remains a staple in personal finance advice and education.
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" draws from Robert T. Kiyosaki's life experiences and contrasts the financial mindsets of two influential figures in his life—his father, the poor dad, and his father's best friend, the rich dad.
2 The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey has taught financial principles for years through his speeches, podcasts, and books. One of his bestsellers, "The Total Money Makeover," guides you on paying off debts, saving for retirement, and planning for your future.
What are the best life-changing books to read? It is impossible to choose something specific and for everyone. Each book has its own approach, and it works, but for some people, it resonates more strongly; for others - it is less. You will have to find such books yourself. But you do not have to buy all the books you come across because there is a story-reading app.
With the FictionMe novel app, you can enjoy reading anywhere in the world if you have a smartphone to hand. You can use FictionMe as an addition to your home library or as a replacement for paper books.
3 But First, Save 10 By Sarah-Catherine Gutierrez
“But First, Save 10: The One Simple Money Move That Will Change Your Life” is an incredibly straightforward guide to personal finance. It's written in such a clear and relatable way that by the time you finish, you'll feel confident in your financial skills.
Key topics in “But First, Save 10” include automating your finances, paying off debt, building an emergency fund, and saving for retirement. The goal is to help you create a sustainable financial plan that leads to long-term financial freedom.
4 The Money Maze: Navigate Your Way Through Personal Finance in the UK - How to Manage Money, Pay Off Debt & Save Well by William Pritchard
This book offers practical advice on budgeting, debt repayment, and saving for the future, tailored specifically for the UK audience. It simplifies complex financial concepts, making it accessible for young adults and anyone looking to improve their financial literacy.
5 You Need a Budget By Jesse Mecham
"You Need a Budget" emphasises the importance of creating and sticking to a budget, focusing on four simple rules. The first rule is to assign a job to every dollar you earn. The second rule is to break down larger expenses into manageable amounts. The third rule is to install FictionMe in the App Store and constantly develop yourself. By preparing in advance and saving small amounts regularly, you can easily cover significant expenses like going on holiday.
6 Real Life Money: An Honest Guide to Taking Control of Your Finances by Clare Seal
This book combines personal storytelling with practical advice, addressing the emotional aspects of debt and money management. It offers realistic strategies for moving forward financially, making it relatable and supportive.
7 The 30-Day Money Cleanse By Ashley Feinstein Gerstley
“The 30-Day Money Cleanse” is a comprehensive guide that transforms how you manage your finances. Unlike typical personal finance books, it goes beyond basic spending and saving rules. This book helps you build a healthier relationship with money by identifying and eliminating financial stressors, breaking bad spending habits, and understanding your financial flow.

8 The No-Spend Challenge Guide by Jen Smith
In this practical guide, Jen Smith provides a step-by-step approach to overcoming impulsive spending and taking control of your finances. With insightful tips and strategies, she demonstrates how to pay off debt quickly and align your financial goals with your personal dreams.
9 Money: A User’s Guide by Laura Whateley
A Sunday Times bestseller, this comprehensive guide covers budgeting, saving, investing, and retirement planning. Whateley provides actionable tips and real-life examples to help readers take control of their finances and achieve financial independence.
10 The Year of Less By Cait Flanders
"The Year of Less" (full title: "The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store") quickly became a Wall Street Journal best-seller after its 2018 release.
Author Cait Flanders shares her personal story of overcoming a shopping addiction and excessive spending. She embraced the zero-waste movement and began spending only on essentials.
The Bottom Line
Managing personal finances is essential for everyone, regardless of age, gender, background, or interests. While it might seem like you need a high-paying job or a lottery win to increase your savings, it's possible even if you're living paycheck to paycheck.
The books on this list are top recommendations in personal finance, offering thousands of tips that could transform your financial situation. You don't need to follow every piece of advice or stick to a single strategy; choose what works best for you.